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Positive Sarcasm Presents: "The Great Reschlep"


Verb - To carry or drag rather clumsily.

Noun – A Clumsy or stupid person.

The only way Ukraine President Vlad Zelinsky can gain anymore notority is to be offed like the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in World War I. So if he or Kiev Mayor (Former Boxing Heavyweight Champion) Vitali Klitschko are killed, it may spark more direct western intervention as Japan and possibly South Korea eye China's ever raising threats towards the Country of Taiwan and it's supporters.

What a time to be alive! As the powerball recently closed out over 1 billion dollars which is 39 less than the most recent donation to ukraine and over 70 billion less than the slush fund the IRS received, the average person in the US is left with gas pump prices finally coming down from one boob job per gallon at the expense of our depleting oil reserves, Fixed energy prices are doubling as early as August; which will cost more to store goods and heat homes.

Everything is a lottery at this point. Maybe they'll be bread and pasta on the grocery shelves today, maybe not!

Maybeeeeee they'll be eggs and beef in the fridge today, maybe not! If there is tho, it'll cost twice as much to buy them and twice as much to refrigerate. I know I love paying 20 dollars for factory burger meat and 8 dollars for a dozen eggs. Everyday is a surprise!

It's so much fun having politicians and global elites telling commoners how to cut back on fossil fuels, to give reparations, how to live our daily lives and how to think, feel and speak....while they do hits off the exhaust fumes of their private jets and doing bumps of sanctioned caviar off some underrage prostitutes ass on an island built off illegal arms purchases and tax payers money. Every year that island seems to getting bigger and bigger and the value of your dollar is getting weaker and weaker. And when I say “your dollar”, I mean the dollar in you struggle to hold on to with superhero like grip, not the elites who preach empathy, their currency hits the American poker table with a defeaning thud, cus we are merely playing cards in this goddamn casino game. oh what a time to be alive, everyday is a fucking lottery!

God forbid you have the courage to flex a little of your first amendment rights, suddenly your online accounts are deleted, your Visa card is cancelled, your electricity is shut off, and the ATF (AKA The Wonders of Waco) invite themselves to your house on a red flag warrant to blast down your door, raid your wives panty drawer, seize your rifles, kick your daughter in the face and shoot the family dog without any concern of repercussions. WHY? CUS FUCK YOU. THAT'S WHY!

But don't you worry, Just as soon as government loans another 100 million dollars to Ukraine and lays off another 50 thousand postal employees just to fund the IRS to “make sure you're spending your hard earned money properly”, they'll mail you a ration of toilet paper every month, sewn with the very fibers of the constitution to mop the blood out of your ass, just as soon your elected officials pull their fists out after they are done controlling your every move down the very end of your bitter existance. “Give me more of your blood, sweat and money, you blue collar piece of shit, President Dementia needs another Tank covered with Transgender Flags and Hookers from Serbia for his cracked out son! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH! LICK MY ASS AND SUCK ON MY BALLS! Sincerely, The US Goverment.

PS – You're being audited next year and your students aren't being forgiven cus Ukraine needs more missles from DADDDYY!

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