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Positive Sarcasm Presents: "Let It Fly." (My final thoughts regarding the pandemic)

Positive Sarcasm Presents: "Let It Fly." (My final thoughts regarding the pandemic)
Positive Sarcasm

I'm sure some of you quad-less mainstream slurping betas who are hanging off Don Lemons freshly fondled ball sack are cringing at the idea of my existence, but while some woke folk get their endorphins flowing by spending half their day on a Starbucks fueled Twitter rampage, I've been carefully ironing out the wrinkles in my tinfoil hat, so that I may share a few things that I have come to a conclusion on in my G-Rated Mind.

COVID-19 was made in a lab. That's right. Look it up. You see that Bio Lab right in the middle of Wuhan China, you know, the one funded by International money and was filling those flying dumplings with Corona Virus? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. So if you stuff a bunch of animals into a cage with humans poking you all day with fun filled soy sauce, it's only a matter of time before the shit gets stickier than a pile of orange chicken. I mean if you look at the bright side of it all, it only took about a million deaths to get Governor Cuomo fired after filling his face with his secretaries tits. According to him, “That's how Italians talk.”

Was it reeeeaaallly a million deaths from COVID? Or was half of it merely a bunch of “My 600 pound life” stars who were waddling near death's door and haven't seen the sun since High School, cus they couldn't make it from the couch to the front door. Like I said, they were already on deaths cliff, like the ending to Thelma and Louise...they just needed a little nudge from a respiratory virus.

This just in: The next booster shot comes in three different size doses, Small, Medium and Large...because they are probably lacing your McDonald's French Fries with the Pfizer Special Wuhan Sauce. Also comes with a fortune cookie. I'm sorry, but if the market was “wet”, then the Wuhan Lab was “drenched”. That being said, Chinese Food is still my number one guilty pleasure

Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins should be on trial for crimes against humanity. One man who looks like a scientist from a B-Rated horror movie and has a larger salary than our current president who died six months ago and has yet to realize it. The other looks like Captain Sully's stunt double and received over 40 Billion Dollars in funding, a lot of it from your own ever shallowing pocket. Together, these traitors to human existence proceeded to oversee funding to a lab no American had ever heard of, for some research no honest American even asked for. I don't care what Marvel multi-verse you're in, this is never a good idea. We all know by now that if you wanted to play God, you should of hired Morgan Freeman as your CDC Spokesperson.

Speaking of fearing the unknown, how many people lost their jobs,careers, or social status because of a mandate that basically ignored all contradictory data? A little bit of understandable hesitation or wanting to question the narrative and suddenly your friends leave your texts on read, your subaru forester driving, libby dad with pronouns in his work signature, unfriends you on facebook, and your shit job as a “License Nursing Assistant” is no longer available. Guess those bedpans are going to stay filled to the brim with Grandpas regret! It's not like you needed that money to pay for rising rent, fuel and medical licenses anyway, so leave that entry level gig to the less capable nurse who was willing to be stabbed with possible side effects; which may include Myocarditis, blood clotting and shitting in Johnny Depps bed.

This is by far, the weirdest attempt at Communism that I have ever witnessed or read about. What ever happened to a good ole fashioned mass starvation? Don't worry that's coming too, just as soon as Bill Gates buys up the rest of the farmland and Monsanto poisons the shit out of it, we'll be on our way to breadlines and veggie burgers made out of canola oil and raw sewage in no time.

There are plenty of other ridiculous topics as well, like watching a man lap women in a swimming pool and rip trophies, scholarships and dreams from them. Selfish little prick.

But maybe that's a topic for another day, another rant and another moment where I have a few minutes of peace and quiet to chew thru the bullshit that splatters my news feed that's broken so many peoples fragile minds over the last several years.

...Is George Soros dead yet?

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